Summer With Scarlett Podcast (Episode 1) Introduction and Update. Feat: Landon Coats

While we work to bring Summer with Scarlett to life, we want to keep you up. to date with what's going on. so, we decided to put this podcast together that will have al the latest news on development, as well as feature interviews and conversations with cast, crew, and others involved with the project. In this first episode, I (Landon Coats) introduce myself and the project. Not familiar with Summer with Scarlett? Well, now is your chance to learn about the project from the writer! “Summer With Scarlett” started as a short film I wrote a few years back. The idea was loosely inspired by my abrupt move from Texas to California during my senior year of high school. I want to portray are the emotions and confusion that came with growing up. When I finished writing the short, I didn’t feel it had what it needed to make it spark, so I set it aside until late 2018 when I was finally able to give the story what it needed. Stay tuned for more episodes! Show support and check out our Instagram!

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